The Impact of Home Staging on Property Sale Speed

In the fast-paced world of real estate, time is of the essence. The longer a property lingers on the market, the less desirable it appears to potential buyers, and the more likely the seller will have to make price concessions. This is why many estate agents in Ireland are turning to home staging – a proven method to enhance property appeal and quicken sales. In this article, we'll delve into the impact of home staging on property sale speed.

1. Creates Emotional Connection:

One of the key goals of home staging is to help prospective buyers visualise the property as their future home. A professionally staged home can evoke a sense of comfort and belonging that can be instrumental in decision-making, often prompting quicker offers.

2. Makes a Strong First Impression:

Most buyers form an opinion within the first few seconds of stepping into a property. A staged home makes an immediate positive impression, creating a sense of intrigue and inviting further exploration. This favourable first impression often translates into a quicker sale.

3. Enhances Online Appeal:

Today's buyers often begin their property search online. Staged properties tend to photograph better and therefore look more attractive in online listings. This increased online appeal can result in more enquiries and viewings, thus speeding up the sales process.

4. Showcases Property Potential:

Staging highlights a property's strengths while minimising its weaknesses. It allows buyers to see the property's potential without getting distracted by clutter, outdated furnishings, or unconventional room layouts. This clarity can hasten the buyer's decision-making process.

5. Creates a Competitive Advantage:

In a crowded property market, a staged home stands out. When buyers are weighing similar properties, a well-staged home can tip the scales in its favour, accelerating the sale process.


While there's no guarantee that home staging will always result in an immediate sale, the evidence suggests that professionally staged properties tend to sell faster than non-staged ones. For estate agents, promoting home staging services to clients is not just a value-add, it's an effective strategy to drive quicker sales, maximise returns for sellers, and enhance their own success in the competitive real estate industry.

At MKOD, we specialise in professional home staging services in Ireland. We're committed to helping estate agents and their clients realise the full potential of their properties, ensuring they are presented at their very best to achieve a speedy sale. Contact us today to learn more about how our services can benefit your property listings.

Why Professional Home Staging Beats DIY

When it comes to selling a property in Ireland, first impressions are crucial. One strategy to ensure your home stands out is through home staging – a proven method to make your property more appealing and sell faster. While some homeowners may be tempted to tackle staging as a do-it-yourself project, there are compelling reasons why hiring a professional stager can lead to better results. In this post, we will explore why professional home staging often beats DIY.

1. Expertise and Experience:

Professional home stagers have the training, expertise, and experience to effectively stage homes for the market. They understand what potential buyers are looking for and can use their knowledge of design trends and real estate to make your home more attractive. On the other hand, homeowners may not have the necessary skills or knowledge to stage their property effectively.

2. Objective View:

Homeowners often have emotional attachments to their homes and their personal belongings, which can make it challenging to view the property objectively. A professional home stager provides a fresh, unbiased perspective and can identify areas of improvement that the homeowner may overlook.

3. Time and Energy Saving:

Staging a home is not as easy as it looks. It can be time-consuming, physically demanding, and stressful, especially if you're also dealing with the other aspects of selling a home. Hiring a professional stager frees up your time and energy, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

4. Access to Resources:

Professional stagers often have access to resources that homeowners don't. This might include a wide range of furniture, decor, and accessories that can be used to enhance your home. A professional can select and arrange these elements in a way that complements your home's style and appeals to potential buyers.

5. Higher Return on Investment:

Although hiring a professional stager involves an upfront cost, it can lead to a higher return on investment in the long run. Staged homes often sell faster and for a higher price than non-staged homes, making the investment in professional staging worthwhile.


While DIY home staging might seem like a cost-saving measure, it can fall short when compared to professional home staging. The expertise, resources, and perspective provided by a professional stager often result in a more appealing property that sells faster and at a higher price.

If you're considering selling your property in Ireland and want to learn more about the benefits of professional home staging, please reach out to us at MKOD. Our team of expert home stagers is ready to help you present your property at its best and achieve the best possible sales outcome.

Top 5 Home Staging Tips to Increase Your Property Value

When it comes to selling your home, first impressions matter. Home staging is an effective marketing technique that can help your property stand out from the crowd, create an emotional connection with potential buyers, and even increase the property's perceived value. If you're planning to put your property on the market in Ireland, here are our top 5 home staging tips to increase your property value.

1. Depersonalise Your Space:

While your personal belongings add character to your home, they may make it difficult for potential buyers to envision themselves living there. By depersonalising the space, you allow the property's features to shine and give buyers an opportunity to imagine their own belongings in the home. This doesn't mean the property should be devoid of all personal touches, but it's advisable to remove family photographs, personal collections, and any distinctly taste-specific decor.

2. Declutter:

Clutter can distract buyers and make your home appear smaller and less appealing. Decluttering, on the other hand, can transform your space, making it feel more spacious, inviting, and organised. This extends beyond just tidying up; consider removing excess furniture, knickknacks, and even some decor items to create a more open, breathable space.

3. Clean and Repair:

A spotlessly clean home not only looks great but also signals to buyers that the property is well maintained. Pay special attention to bathrooms and kitchens, as buyers often scrutinise these areas. Additionally, fix any minor repairs like leaky faucets, broken lights, or peeling paint. Small details can make a big difference when it comes to the perceived value of your property.

4. Neutralise Colours:

While you may love your bold red dining room, not all potential buyers will. To appeal to the widest possible audience, consider painting your rooms in neutral colours like whites, greys, or beiges. These shades not only make rooms look larger and brighter but also act as a blank canvas, allowing buyers to visualise adding their own personal style to the space.

5. Highlight Key Features:

Does your property have a beautiful garden view, a modern kitchen, or a stunning fireplace? Use home staging to draw attention to these key features. This might mean arranging furniture to direct views towards a large window or creating a cosy seating area around the fireplace. By strategically staging these areas, you can show off the home's full potential and create memorable moments for viewers.


Home staging is an art that requires balance and an understanding of your target market's preferences. While professional home staging can provide the best results, these tips should give you a good starting point for preparing your home for sale and potentially increasing its value.

If you're considering selling your property in Ireland and would like professional assistance with home staging, the team at MKOD would be delighted to help. With our expert knowledge and passion, we can make your property shine and appeal to a broad range of potential buyers. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your home selling journey.

Partnering with a Home Staging Company: A Strategic Move for Estate Agents

In the real estate industry, differentiation is key. Estate agents must continuously seek innovative ways to stand out and offer added value to their clients. One approach that has been gaining traction is partnering with a professional home staging company. This article delves into why such a partnership can be a strategic move for estate agents in Ireland.

1. Offers a Competitive Edge:

In a crowded real estate market, having an extra service like home staging in your arsenal can provide a competitive edge. It adds another layer of professionalism to your services, showing clients that you're committed to getting them the best possible outcome for their property sale.

2. Enhances Property Presentation:

A professional home stager knows how to present a property in the best possible light. This expertise can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your listings, making them more attractive to potential buyers both online and in-person.

3. Speeds Up Sales Process:

Research shows that staged homes often sell faster than non-staged ones. By helping to speed up the sales process, a home staging company can help you move through your listings more quickly, potentially boosting your annual sales and earnings.

4. Increases Property Value:

Home staging can help increase a property's perceived value. By highlighting a home's best features and potential, a professional stager can help attract higher offers, resulting in more profitable sales for both you and your clients.

5. Provides a Stress-free Solution:

Staging a home requires a certain level of skill and experience, not to mention time. By partnering with a home staging company, you can offer your clients a stress-free solution to presenting their property at its best.


Forming a partnership with a professional home staging company can be a strategic move for estate agents. It allows you to offer an additional service, enhance your property listings, speed up the sales process, and potentially increase your clients' return on investment.

At MKOD, we understand the challenges and pressures that estate agents face. That's why we're dedicated to providing high-quality, professional home staging services to estate agents throughout Ireland. Our services can enhance the presentation of your listings, attract more potential buyers, and help expedite the sales process. Contact us today to find out how a partnership with MKOD could benefit your real estate business.